

some notes on hacking, development, tech culture, & more

  • Blame, Shame, & Systems

    As I try to acknowledge and unlearn shame to improve my personal life, I’m also considering how I can do my part to stop perpetuating shame-based practices at work. I’ve been asking myself questions like:

    • How might shame be affecting those around me?
    • Am I knowingly participating in structures that are based on shame?
    • What are some ways shame...
  • Enumerating SQL DB Columns with Burp Suite

    I ran across this Gist I made awhile back detailing how, when you have a certain type of SQLi, it’s possible to use Burp Suite to enumerate columns in the database. I figured it doesn’t hurt to share it on the blog. :)

  • AD Password Audit with Metasploit, Impacket, and Johnny

    This tutorial is geared toward those who are running these commands on a *nix type system. These steps were conducted on a system running Parrot Security OS. Many of the tools used come stock on security-focused Linux distributions like Kali Linux and Parrot OS.